So you have booked a photo session with Angela Nelson Photography. Your deposit is in, the location and time are set, and now you only have one worry: what in the heck are you going to wear?!
This can be, hands down, the most stressful part of planning a photo session. Keeping in mind the colors you look good in, the colors your children refuse to wear, and taking into account what your significant other likes...yikes. Take a deep breath. Relax. It's not as difficult as you may think it is! And I'm here to help!
I have only FIVE rules for planning your outfits. They are as follows:
1. Wear something you're comfortable in. If you're not a dress kind of gal, don't wear a dress! (I'm partial to jeans and a t-shirt myself). If you know your husband is going to be complaining about wearing a dress shirt, don't force it on him! Dress you and your family in something EVERYONE is comfortable with! (Check out little dude below--his clothes match but aren't too tight on him and allowed him to be active during our session)
2. YOU ARE GOING TO GET WET. There, I said it. At some point we are probably going to end up playing in the surf. There will be a rogue wave. It will get your pants wet (and hopefully I will be able to catch the look on your face when it does!). The sand is going to stick to your clothes after you get wet. It's a fact of life. But you're on the beach for goodness sakes! The absolute best photo sessions happen when we get to play in the ocean. It doesn't matter if you're eight or eighty; it will make for an amazing photo!
These couples loved the water! I can almost hear them laughing...
Sometimes it can get romantic too!
And other times it's just down-right sweet.
...then there are those folks who throw caution to the wind and just jump in at the end of the session!
One of the best parts of Maui is the ocean; be ready to get wet and wild!
3. Hair, make-up, and accessories (yup, I'm looking at you, ladies). Keep in mind that sometimes Maui can be very windy (fun fact: did you know that Maalea Harbor is the windiest harbor in the world?!) if our trade winds are at their pique. They come and go as they please and there is no way to predict when they will be here (we don't have a windy season). So that means you should be prepared! Think long, loose locks instead of a tight smoothed back ponytail. Let the wind play with your hair and I promise the results will be great!
As for makeup--please make sure that it is MATTE makeup. If you have anything with shine or sparkles (i.e. bronzers) the sun will bounce right off of that and you will come off looking oily and spotty. Sometimes taking a blush brush with some light baby powder will take the edge off of shine! And don't forget about those sneaky eye shadows; many of them have sparkles!
So this isn't as bad as it could be...but here is a picture of my beautiful cousin Jen several years ago at her wedding. This was at least 4 hours after she had her make up done. See how she has minimal shine and her skin looks like a porcelain doll? It's because he makeup artist used MATTE makeup (well, that and she is just that beautiful). See how I'm shiny? Yes, well, lesson learned.
Lastly: Accessories. Let them compliment but not overshadow your entire look.
Senior Liz wore this great necklace. No need to have long earrings too--the necklace was perfect! Baby Kylie wore a simple headpiece that complimented her outfit! Adorable.
One last word: beware of trends. Young ladies: shortie shorts are totally in right now, but it makes it difficult to bend and move--don't wear them. I know they look great now, but you will be looking at these pictures in years to come and you want something that is timeless. Trends will quickly date your photos!
4. Wear colors that compliment one another. Disclaimer: when I say this it doesn't mean that your whole family should 100% match. In fact, when that happens it takes away from the individuality of the members of your family! Keep it interesting and simple. I suggest that clients keep to the earth tones--and pastels work the best (think light blues, pinks, greens, yellows). And remember, just because you want your family wearing blue doesn't mean that they should all wear the same shade! Mix it up and the results will be great!
This family had multiple shades of salmon, khaki, blue, and white.
I loved how the salmon tones picked up the sunset pink that reflected off the ocean!
These families of four chose different shades of blue and white. Check out the mom's dresses (aren't patterns great?!). I love the different blue combos happening here!
And then there's always the white and khaki/blue jean combo. It is simple and easy to find in stores. If you are totally overwhelmed with the coordinating process, this will be your most stress-free route but I don't recommend it for groups of more than four. You may end up looking like a giant white blob if there is a large group of you!
Hey--these two look familiar. Oh yes, that is my husband and myself three and a half years ago on Big Beach (we did one year anniversary photos). We went for white tees and jeans look, too. It's an oldie but a goodie!
Photo Credit: Jenna Strubhar |
5. The last rule is simple: avoid large logos. I know, gentlemen: you really, really like Nike, or Mountain Dew, or Billabong, or John Deere tractors, or whatever--but please leave those gently-loved large logo tees at home. Going with a subtle pattern or with solid colors is going to be your best bet. Large logos can be distracting; especially if only part of the logo is visible in the picture.
Well there you have it: my five simple rules to coordinating your outfits for your photo session. I hope you find this helpful and not over-whelming. Remember to relax, breathe, and think happy thoughts. No matter what you wear your session will be fun, unique, and totally you.